Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Anti Aging Botox Treatment - Beauty and the Poisonous Beast

Make up lines for mature skin use a number of ingredients to reduce wrinkles and restore the skin's elasticity. Nothing in those make up lines for mature skin, however, can come close to the fascinating main ingredient in an anti aging botox treatment. Poison just might be replacing the age-defying concealer and foundation offered in make up lines for mature skin.

Botox for eye wrinkles is derived from Clostridium Botulinum, which is a type of bacteria. This bacteria can be commonly found in soil. Does that mean we're injecting dirt in our faces as a form of anti aging skin care? Of course not, but it does make the nature of botox for eye wrinkles all the more intriguing.

Botox injections for wrinkles are made from Botulinum Toxin Type A. You can see, then, how "botox" got its name. There are seven strains of the bacteria in total, named A through G. Four of the types, which includes Type A, cause illnesses in humans. Orally ingesting large amounts of Type A is what causes the type of food poisoning known as botulism.

Would anyone have ever guessed that paralysis would some day become a type of anti aging skin care? Paralyzing the targeted facial muscles is how an anti aging botox treatment makes wrinkles disappear. The botox injections for wrinkles block the release of acetylcholine, causing the paralysis. With botulism, on the other hand, the paralysis is so severe that it can prevent a person from breathing, ultimately leading to death.

The toxicity of Clostridium Botulinum is not to be taken lightly. It is estimated that 1 ng/kg of the substance could kill the entire human population! Compare that to the power of the infamous strychnine, which would take about six metric tons to kill every person on the planet. Those figures make the anti aging botox treatment sound more like a weapon of biological terror than a type of anti aging skin care.

Though the poisonous ingredient in the anti aging botox treatment may sound shocking, it is not uncommon for pharmaceutical drugs to be made from dangerous substances. This is especially true for medications used to treat cancer. When administered in the proper doses and in a controlled environment, deadly substances can actually become life-saving drugs.

Paralysis and poison aren't two words we usually associate with beauty. Yet, botox injections for wrinkles are just that. Maybe that lethal power is what creates killer good looks!

Michelle Greene can help you look 10 years younger and invites you to download her free anti aging skin care Special Report. You'll be thrilled at the simplicity of these easy to implement secrets to look fabulous at any age.

Michelle Greene - EzineArticles Expert Author