Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Skin Lightening 101

A lighter skin tone is viewed as a thing of beauty by many. Those with fair complexions are envied, since they are known to attract dates and garner respect, just with the color of their skin. Don't fret, there are lots of ways to lighten skin. Commercially sold products and homemade solutions are at your disposal for you to have whiter and smoother skin. Just include them in your daily hygienic routines.

Homemade Solutions

Your kitchen contains a haul of unlikely items that can lighten your skin tone. These natural skin whiteners are mixed with water to create whitening solutions, applied directly to the skin, or used as bathing products. You can even combine the use of some of them to hasten the skin whitening process.

  • Potato Slices - The potato is a natural bleach. It is easy to apply, needing only direct skin contact. Slice a few raw potatoes. Distribute the slices onto the areas you wish to whiten. Once done, leave them on your skin for an hour or less. Do this process daily until the results are noticeable.
  • Milk Bath - Milk is an ingredient of many commercial whiteners, which proves its ability to lighten skin. Given its whitening property, you can mix two cups of whole cream with your bathwater. When the cream settles, bathe in the mixture. Your skin will be moisturized and eventually whitened through daily application. Milk is gentle on sensitive skin, so feel free to bathe in the milk bath anytime.
  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C, when taken in huge doses, can lighten your skin tone. It limits the production of melanin, the pigment of dark skin. Take a thousand milligrams daily and combine it with other means of skin whitening.

Aside from these three, other natural whiteners you can use are baking soda, apple cider, lemon juice, almond/hazelnut oil, and honey. Interchange these products with the ones discussed if you don't see the results in a few weeks.