Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Ancient Healing Art For Holistic Wellness - Asian Massage Therapy

Massage has been practiced for thousands of years dating back to the ancient Greece. In fact, the word "massage" is Greek in origin meaning "to touch". Today, it is one of the most popular spa services and therapy that include stroking of the skin or kneading and manipulation of the muscles or applying pressure on some areas of the body. Asian massage therapy are techniques that originated and developed in India and the Far East. Through the course of centuries, this therapy which is an ancient healing ritual aim to work with the body's energetic system for the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health.

Several forms of Asian therapy are still being utilized today such as the Thai, Shiatsu, Ayurvedic, acupressure and Amma to name a few. Thai massage is a hot "new" method offered by most modern spas. But it actually originated in India and was developed by Buddhist monks in Thailand 2,500 years ago. Thai massage uses guided stretching and Meridian pressure point therapy in combination with the "Pranayama" which is an ancient breathing method.

Thai massage increases flexibility, relieves muscle and joint tension and balances the body's energy systems. It is accompanied by breathing techniques, and is said to be a little like doing yoga only the therapist is the one instigating the body to assume various positions. It is both relaxing and energizing as well as helpful in cleansing the body and strengthening the nervous system. Another Asian method is the Ayurvedic massage. This therapy has its roots from an ancient Indian medical tradition. Ayurvedic massage aids the individual in receiving nutrient material from the body and is helpful in expelling toxins.

Certain ailments related to the muscles, ligaments and the nervous system can be completely healed through good Ayurvedic massage. This form is also an ideal remedy for pain. Chinese acupressure or "tui-na" is a 5,000-year-old Asian massage therapy which aids in the body's activation of its own self-healing abilities by applying pressure on specific key points in the body. Acupressure has been a centuries-old remedy for back pain, migraines and headaches as well as for stress and anxiety. Furthermore, it can assist in weight management. Shiatsu are two Japanese words compounded, "shi" meaning finger and "atsu" meaning pressure. It is originally developed in Japan.

Shiatsu is similar to acupuncture, but the therapist uses finger pressure instead of needles. Using the thumbs, palms and hands to apply pressure in key point areas of the body, it aims to promote energy balance and physical well-being. Another Asian method is the Indonesian-Javanese massage system in which all parts of the hand including the knuckles, are used to knead and massage the muscles and is usually facilitated with oil. This version is effective on the muscles and the nerves and it aids in relieving back pain and tension as well as in hastening the healing of fractures. It is often the most robust and painful yet beneficial in the long run.

Asian massage therapy has its roots in a spiritual tradition and almost always, these treatments are holistic. The purpose is to heal a person physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website http://www.healthzine.org. You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rose_Windale

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